Wednesday, March 28, 2018

you never get a second chance to make a first impression

Boss Finley:
A Scottish surname​ derived from the Gaelic name Fionnlagh, meaning "fair warrior."
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That’s interesting because he is more like the opposite. He’s a rich, possessive, selfish, control freak (bossy if you will), and liar. He’s a jerk that only cares for himself and does whatever he wants for his selfish desires. He is in control of everything in this small town. It's crazy! Though the text says that the way he looks at Heavenly is totally non romantic, I was still very creeped out for a fictional character. Especially once you learn Heavenly is a spitting image of her mother whom Boss Finley lost. She is also young and his daughter! Also, he has a lot of say in her life. Too much for a young adult. (I know this time period it is more common but the way he does it is just too much for comfort) He is very traditional. He even tried to set Heavenly with a super old, rich guy. Instead of allowing her, oh I don't know, marrying the guy she loves. But yeah whatever, right? It’s annoying how much he cares about his daughter’s image while he has a mistress and is spending so much money on everyone else but his family. I hate how he has a mistress but then wants his daughter to present herself as pure and innocent even though she is no longer a virgin. He wants to make decisions for everyone and he does it as he pleases. He didn't want Heavenly to marry the man she loved. He is threatening her to do something she doesn't want to. He asks her how she wants Chance to disappear.  He doesn't even let Heavenly receive a phone call. Then he has a mistress whom he pretends he doesn’t know who they are talking about when questioned about it.

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Tom Junior
He seems like he doesn't get a lot of his father’s approval/attention. Maybe he did it for his attention to see if Boss would do anything. I don't really like him.  I feel like his dad is more focused on his daughter than his son. That's never good parenting. Also he doesn't have a good first impression as the only way he could pass his classes was by his father paying for the answers to tests. Is that the way he could have passed his classes. So he does not have a good first impression either. Overall he came off as a failure. He seems too dependent on his dad and acts so that his father keeps him around. His father doesn't seem to care about him too much because he doesn't hold back his temper/crude towards him (when Boss says he had to pay for the answers) and then Boss is super happy to see that his daughter entered.

Aunt Nonnie
So far she has a very small role but it is fairly significant as it leads you to some questions. I don't really have an opinion on her character. She is trying to be nice by warning Chance to leave before it gets ugly. I thought that was cool but also what is the real reasoning behind that. Boss Finley suggests some romantic reasons. My initial impression was that that was too nice of her to do. Everyone else seems to side with Boss Finley and follow his every command so it was also pretty cool that she would do something that would go against/cross Boss Finley. I am curious to see how else of a role she might have further on.

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The name heavenly has a very divine connotation to it. She seems kind. From the start Boss Finley takes advantage of that. She tells him she can't talk right now and yet Boss insists, instead of asking her what's wrong or postponing the conversation for another time. She repeatedly tells him she wants to live her life, with Chance Wayne, but her dad won’t let her. He just doesn't like him (possibly because he doesn't have money which is shallow). She just loves Chance. I feel kind of bad for her because she can't live her life. If only she knew the real reason for Chance's return to St. Cloud. If only Chance knew about Heavenly's feelings. And now her father is threatening her (forbidding her to be with him) and she must come to a decision. She also seemed like she was forced into a "whore's procedure." Totally whore-able (haha, get it?) of her father to push her towards that decision. At least it comes off that he did so. (Also the way Boss Finley does mention that ugh). Overall, my first impression of her is mostly pitiful. Someone else is dictating her life!! We only have one life and we shouldn't let one person take over it. (I know society was more patriarchal back then so she didn't have much of a choice) So, what a shame.

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