Thursday, March 22, 2018


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“Princess I didn't think you’d have these attacks anymore. I thought that having me to protect you would stop these attacks of panic.”

Well Chance is saying how he wants to get his old girlfriend back but he just slept with some girl. Second he doesn't really want to say that that's the reason he's back. He doesn't even know how his mother died. The fact that he knew she was sick but never checked on her until now says a lot. All he is focused on is becoming famous and being with Heavenly. It is kind of scary the means he is willing to go to in order to do this. In short, he is a desperate and selfish man. He is selling his body to make a living as he couldn’t make it big in Hollywood. It’s just his luck that he met Alexandra del Lago in a cabana. That's as far as his luck runs, though. 
The girl he came back for is going to get married and he found out through the groom. Nothing is working for him. He’s not favorite character but I understand why he is acting this way. However, it doesn't excuse his behavior.
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He took advantage of Princess’ vulnerability and that is uncalled for. He blackmails her and it seems to be very planned as he has a recorder handy. I found it interesting he was ready for it. I think he’s taking a huge risk (chance, if you will) by blackmailing Princess.
The last thing Alexandra (or anyone, really) wants is being arrested for smuggling drugs into the country. Chance does this for fame. I think that’s a lousy move. (Don't be a snitch) Alexandra is admitting her insecurities to him and all he can focus on is himself! He makes it worse too. He says, “You put on a good deal of weight after that disappointment you had last month.” True or not, you don't say that to someone. Maybe it’s just me but so far he isn’t my favorite character.

“I've been accused of having a death wish but it’s life that I wish for, terribly, shamelessly, on any terms whatsoever."

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At first I thought Princess couldn't remember because she was losing her memory due to her getting old. Perhaps that might ring a little true, but the main reason for her strange behavior is due to her drinking and using drugs the day before. She’s hungover and can’t remember what happened, at first. What a lovely first impression, right??  She is in a vulnerable state and Chance takes advantage of this. Princess Kos is a retired movie star. She was very famous and thriving when she was younger. She is trying to make her big comeback but got insecure and feared negative feedback from everyone. She felt like she was too old for it. Thus, she ran away from her movie, succumbed to the escape of alcohol, drugs, and sex. So she’s been incognito as Princess Kos. She's dependent on an oxygen tank yet she smokes and drinks. Both of which do wonders to your body. I have always wonder how people who care so much about their looks and health will smoke and drink as often as they breathe. Overall, I feel bad for her. Just because she’s getting old, doesn't mean anything is wrong with her. That sucks that society has instilled that mindset in her. I feel like she shouldn’t let something inevitable and trivial get in the way of her passion. It’s pointless to have of all things, that be what stops you from doing what you want to do. I know cinema was different back then than it is right now, where people stay in the cinematic business no matter how old/bad they are. She’s okay of a character so far.

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